CERAM Web Site (Ceram is now called Lucideon)

[September 2004]

Ceric Wistra Signs Contract With ZAPEL

A new contract has been signed between Ceric Thermic Wistra GmbH (Koeln, Germany) and Polska ZAPEL SA (Nowa Deba/Boguchwala, Poland). ZAPEL, which already has two large Ceric Wistra kilns, is the market leader for insulators in Poland.

The new contract includes the supply of a large shuttle kiln - 93.5 cubic metres volume - to fire superior quality high voltage insulators. The kiln will include the latest advances in thermal technology, with features such as a unique heat recuperation system for the lowest possible energy consumption and special Ceric Wistra burners to produce optimum temperature homogeneity.

These will operate in conjunction with a generic Ceric Wistra control and management system that will reduce firing losses to almost zero, says the company.



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