CERAM Web Site (Ceram is now called Lucideon)

[June 2001]

NKT Acquires Patent Licence to Crystal Fibre Design

The NKT (Denmark) subsidiary company Crystal Fibre A/S has acquired a patent licence access to one of what it describes as "absolutely key, broad ranging patent families" relating to design of crystal fibres. The patent belongs to the UK research organisation DERA. The licence will supplement Crystal Fibre's own patent portfolio, thereby claims the company affording it a unique patent position.

The newly acquired patent licence authorises the company to utilise a special design of crystal fibre. This will considerably strengthen its commercial base. The agreement contracted between DERA and Crystal Fibre is a semi-exclusive licence to the relevant patent family. It will be paid for by means of a cash payment combined with provision of a warrants scheme to DERA. The parties have not disclosed details of the payment.

Crystal Fibre was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of NKT Holding A/S on the basis of know-how and patent applications possessed by three research scientists at the Research Center COM at the technical University of Denmark. As part of the establishment, warrants in Crystal Fibre A/S were issued both to the research scientists and to Research Center COM. When the warrants of the parties involved have been exercised, NKT Holding will hold an approximately two-thirds' interest in Crystal Fibre.

DERA is a world leader in its field and embarked on research into crystal fibre (microstructured optical fibres) technology at an early stage. Up until now, DERA has been an agency of the British Ministry of Defence. However, from July this year, it will be split into two separate organisations with the larger part - called QinetiQ - entering the private sector.


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